Profile 29

Profile 29


Why Choose Profile 29? With 23+ years of recruitment expertise, I founded Profile 29 to serve businesses that don't want the usual convoluted agency experience. Clients stay because of ongoing success, and they speak for Profile 29's reputation—the list of endorsements keeps growing. The Mission: to provide a time-saving recruitment solution that’s refreshingly straightforward, without the empty jargon or cliché sales pitch. Profile 29 exists to efficiently connect top talent with hiring managers who want results, not frills. The Promise: if a hire doesn’t work out within their first 100 days, Profile 29 will refund 100% of your recruitment fee—no loopholes, no hassle. Its recruitment done right, with accountability you can trust. Profile 29 recruits for the following types of positions... Digital, Web, eCommerce & Mobile On & Offline Marketing Business Development & Account Management Management & Operations Support, Administrative & Finance Whether you're hiring for digital innovation, sales growth, operational strength, or team support, Profile 29 finds the right fit to drive your business forward. No sales targets, no pointless KPIs; let’s save you some time & connect the right people to your business. 07977 228 657




Staffing and Recruiting


1 employees


Recruitment and Resourcing

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