


Established as a registered charity in 2004, Shorefast was created to build economic and cultural resilience on Fogo Island, Newfoundland – a region previously devastated by the decline of the cod fishery. With an enduring commitment to Fogo Island, Shorefast is expanding its work for greater reach by sharing new models of place-based economic development with other communities, big and small. Shorefast is a registered charity that operates a set of charitable programs and owns social businesses in service of the local community. Together, they represent a determined effort to think holistically about how to find a way of life that is equitable, dignified, sustainable – and joyful. Shorefast’s charitable programs comprise a set of initiatives that hold relevance to community economic development – making it possible for local communities to thrive in the global economy. Shorefast’s social businesses were established to help grow another leg on Fogo Island’s economy, create meaningful employment, generate earnings to be reinvested in the community. Our businesses build on the inherent assets and strengths of place, capitalizing on the skills, culture, and imagination unique to Fogo Island. There is no private gain — all profits are reinvested in the community through Shorefast’s charitable programs.




Non-profit Organizations


11-50 employees



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