Parallel Consulting company
Desktop Service Support (DSS):
1. Rectification of Hardware Issues (Break/Fix)
2. Software Assistance
3. Smart Hands Assistance
Hardware Issue Rectification (Break/Fix)
Provision of multi-vendor hardware maintenance and support for desktops, laptops, and associated equipment. Dedicated on-site or dispatched engineers with appropriate skills and Customer training will deliver hardware maintenance services.
Desktop Software Assistance
In cases where software support remains unresolved by the Service Desk, on-site Desktop Software Support (DSS) will be provided as needed. When required, a PROVIDER engineer with the necessary expertise will be sent to the user location for software diagnosis and resolution.
DSS Services include on-site support to:
• Implement software solutions for users unable to do so independently
• Re-image end-user devices
• Reinstall existing application software
• Install new software
• Troubleshoot Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS), Operating System, and Desktop Configuration issues
• Conduct software diagnostics for users requiring technical assistance
• Facilitate communication with centralized support facilities for users lacking technical knowledge
• Implement Customer-specific Asset Management where applicable
Installations, Moves, Adds, Changes De-Installations (IMACD)
IMACDs may arise spontaneously or be part of pre-planned activities with associated SLAs or larger projects. Unplanned or day-to-day IMACD tasks will be handled similarly to hardware maintenance or DSS services. Product scope typically includes desktop and laptop computers, printers, network devices, and associated peripherals.
This encompasses the following activities:
• Installation/Removal of equipment
• Installation/Removal of software
• Equipment relocation within or between Customer sites
• Addition of features and software to desktops and laptops
• Configuration changes to laptops and desktops
• Storage relocation of removed equipment to Customer-designated areas