About our Team
We seek a highly skilled and motivated DevOps engineers to join our growing Samsung Ads team in role of embedded Site Reliability Engineering (SRE). As SRE, you will lead development and buildout of components of Samsung’s DSP platform.
As an embedded Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) you’ll be part of a software development team and act as a subject matter expert on the challenges of usability, performance, reliability, scalability and observability
.The ideal candidate has deep knowledge and a strong interest in process automation, observability, software-defined infrastructure, and approaches it from the perspective of a software engineer. Challenges of globally distributed services, deciding what and when state should be shared, and simulating failure scenarios should drive you
Samsung Ads is a highly successful and fast-growing business for over last six years. This business and its continued future success depend on the products, technologies, and tools owned by Samsung. Hundreds of people strong, with a substantial presence in five countries, Samsung Ads team is a dynamic and complex organization operating across a broad spectrum of product and strategic domain
Join our team and play a key role in shaping the future of our ad tech platfo
Role and Responsibili
- tiesCo-architect new services, including failure tolerance and self-healing by-design, as well as establishing clear scaling-out p
- athsAct as a subject matter expert for the challenges of infrastructure and operation within your
- teamTranslate Product Owner requirements into actionable technical t
- asksAdvise on tuning observability systems to represent the health of the systems your team is responsible for and glean insights to plan for gr
- owthContribute to the global SRE prac
- ticeEmpower your development team with tooling and automation, including C
- I/CDContinuously improve internal services for ease of packaging, configuration, and deploy
- mentParticipate in shared on-call rota
- tionEvaluating and benchmarking new solutions, establishing capacity and growth p
- lansDeveloping and supporting usable and maintainable tooling for the engineering organiza
- tionAdministration of services, whether built in-house or from external ven
- dorsContinuous optimization of services on all layers (hardware, software) for high perform
- anceMonitoring of all critical services, sharing pager duty, troubleshooting, and addressing problems as they arise (including any needed changes in code, topology, resources, or configurat
- ion)Backup/DR implementation, plans, documentation, and exerc
- isesCo-own technical relationships with several service providers and ven
Technologies i
- n useKuber
- netesRa
- ncherBare-metal an
- d AWSTerraform,
- SaltVault, Sumo Logic, Prome
Skills and Qualific
- ationsStrong expertise administrating and scaling Kubernetes on bare metal and AWS (CKA, CKAD, CKS are nice to
- have)Relevant software engineering experience with at least one language (Go, Ruby, Python, Erlang or
- Java)Strong understanding of distributed systems and client-server archite
- cturesStrong Linux system administration and troubleshooting skills, including solid knowledge of how the various components work (kernel, CPU, memory, disk, ne
- twork)Experience with Infrastructure as Code tools (Terraform and custom mo
- dules)Experience working in microservices enviro
- nmentsCapacity and willingness to work in an agile multi-team envir
- onmentDemonstrated ability to prioritize tasks and promptly resolve pr
- oblemsAbility to work autonomously, multi-task, and work in a fast-paced envir
- onmentYou have a track record of making things better and leading solutions that remove technical pain points and facilitate
- growthYou enjoy working with others who are intelligent and passionate about building practical, reliable, high-performance pr
- oductsExcellent communication skills in E
- r Team:Friendly working atm
- osphereWide range of tr
- ainingsOpportunity to work in multiple p
- rojectsWorking with the latest technologies on the
- marketMonthly integration
- budgetPossibility to attend local and foreign conf
- erencesStart of work between 7 a.m. and
10 a.m.Equ
- ipment:PC workstation/Laptop + 2 external m
- nefits:Private medical care (possibility to add family members fo
- r free)Multispo
- rt cardLife in
- suranceLun
- ch cardA partial reimbursement of the cost of an English language
- coursePossibility to learn Korean f
- or freeVariety of discounts (Samsung products, theaters, resta
- urants)Unlimited free access to Copernicus Science Center for you and your
- friendsPossibility to test new Samsung p
- cation:Office in Warsaw Spire near metro
- stationHybrid model – 3 days from the office p
- er weekAttractive relocation