British Council Pay band: 7 (4310 Euro to 5172.5 Euros monthly, Gross – Depending on salary)
Department: English and Exam
Contract type: 12 months FTC
Closing Date: Wednesday 12th of March, 23:59 (GMT)
Location: Europe, France - Paris
You must have the legal right to work in the stated location. We will not be providing Visa sponsorship and relocation assistance is not provide
British Council supports working in new ways such as hybrid working, subject to full approval by line management and conditional upon our ability to provide the appropriate level of service. This may not be appropriate for all roles but can be explored at intervi
Role Cont
extThe Sales & Customer Services team in France consists of the Head of Sales and Customer Services, Customer Service Manager, Contact Centre team, Customer Care team and Sales team. Sales & Customer Services is responsible for handling all customer contact across all channels in all country operations in Fra
The main internal stakeholder for customer service is English (Teaching Centre) Business, with a small number of enquiries relating to broader British Council programmes. Sales & Customer Services sells courses to Teaching Centre students, registers them into classes, manages ongoing customer relationships and processes f
The British Council also delivers various programmes in English language, the arts and education. Contact Centre provides level1 information regarding these programmes and escalates enquiries to the relevant
Role P
urposeThe post-holder
- will:lead the Sales and Customer Services team in France, aligning it’s structure with the global vision, planning resources and implementing change to ensure the quality and efficiency in service delivered to internal and external cli
- ents. implement the global/ regional customer service strategy in the country, focusing on increased income, engagement and developing the sales-oriented approach for the country, aligned with that str
- ategy.provide decision support for Teaching management analysing and reporting current customers’ data from all ce
Main Accountabilities/Responsibilities but not limited to the fol
lowing:Change Mana
- gement:Lead and deliver within one year, transformation of Customer Services France Operating model, aligning the country around a target led sales and global/regional retention s
- trategy
Lead a change to a sales culture, including structure, systems, training, target setting, monitoring and
- support
Lead country wide harmonization of the operations to full standardization of activity, target setting, and monitoring, communications, processes,
and roles
- managementWork closely with marketing and teaching centre management. Ensure country and EU business and marketing stakeholders are updated, plans are submitted, and activity
- monitored Liaise with EU regional CS management teams to ensure the country is up to date with wider CS initiatives (regional a
- nd global)
Where applicable, support Western Europe Cluster Lead, English, Western Europe Cluster and Marketing Manager, English with development and execution of marketing strategy and plans for French market, making sure that they are aligned with CS & Sales strateg
y and plans
- e ManagementBe responsible for the Line Management and provision of day-to-day support for Customer Services Manager (CSM’s) and the team. While changes to operating model are being introduced – temporary line manage Sales Coordinator and Sa
- les Advisors
Plan Learning and Development for CSM and the team to ensure staff are fully equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to ac
- hieve targets
Build Staff engageme
- nt in the team
Ensure appropriate quality monitoring is in place across the country according to Global and Re
gional strategy
Sales Management
Lead the development and implementation of a strategic sales plan expanding the organisati
- on’s customer base
Set up appropriate reporting process to monitor the individual/team performance daily/monthly/termly ensuring sales target a
- re met and exceeded
Be accountable for performance of sales funnel in France and introduce and suggest optimisation measures for customer journey, agreeing them with Cluster Marketing Lead, English, Western Europe Cluster and Marketi
ng Manager, English.
- l and Data ManagementPlan, monitor and review country Sales & CS budgets and re
- sourcing for the teamSet targets and monitor monthly: EPR, Dashboard, Customer Feedback data, to involve all
- relevant stakeholdersMonitor and analyse operational efficiency KPI’s for c
- ontinuous improvementEnsure the team reports to and work within financ
ial control Stand
- ards
Customer ServicesOwn customer journeys, regularly review the processes and plan implementation of improv - ements, as appropriateBe accountable for the del
- ivery of SLA standardsOwn the customer service KPIs and busi
ness targets in France
- tional Job RequirementsWeekend and/or evening work may be required in compliance
- with local legislationOccasional travel around Europe and occasional international
travel maybe required.
Role Specific
Knowledge and Expe
- rienceMinimum/Essential Significant Experience in managing sales/customer service operations or
- contact centre operationExperience in leading change
- /transformation projectsUnivers
- ity Degree or equivalentLanguage Requirement: Fluency in Engl
- ish (C1) and French (C2)Excellen
- t Microsoft applicationsWeekend and/or evening work may be required in complianc
- e with local legislationOccasional travel around Europe and occasional internation
al travel maybe requ
- ired
Desirable ExperienceSales Experienc - e in Education ManagementExperience in change program
- s/transformation projectsCustom
- er Service qualification
sSix Sigma qualifications