Positions for Non-locally Trained Doctors without Full Registration with the Medical Council of Hong Kong (Limited Registration / Special Registration) (REF. NO.: HO2404015) Opportunity

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Positions for Non-locally Trained Doctors without Full Registration with the Medical Council of Hong Kong (Limited Registration / Special Registration) (REF. NO.: HO2404015) in HONG KONG SAR

Visa sponsorship & Relocation 2 months ago

Positions for Non-locally Trained Doctors without Full Registration with the Medical Council of Hong Kong (Limited Registration / Special Registration) (REF. NO. : HO2404015)

Please note that your job application will NOT be further processed if you have not uploaded your resume, degree certificates, registration license, employment proof and higher qualifications, e.g. college membership certificates or specialist registration with the submission.

The Hospital Authority (HA) invites applications from non-locally trained doctors who are not fully registered with the Medical Council of Hong Kong (MCHK) to serve the community of Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government (HKSARG) has amended existing law to facilitate qualified non-locally trained doctors to practise in the public healthcare sector of Hong Kong. Doctors serving in HA under the new recruitment scheme who meet the predefined criteria will have opportunities to obtain full medical registration in Hong Kong without the need to undergo licensing examinations.

Positions Offered

Post 1: Resident (Limited Registration / Special Registration)

Pay: HK$77,959 to HK$155,089 per month (including Monthly Allowance) (see Remark 3)

Post 2: Associate Consultant (Limited Registration / Special Registration)

Pay: HK$158,552 to HK$182,669 per month (including Monthly Allowance) (see Remark 3)

Up to 15% of total basic salary (after deducting the contribution of Mandatory Provident Fund by HA) as end-of-contract gratuity will be offered upon satisfactory completion of contract.

Basic Requirements

  1. Registered under the law of a qualifying place as a medical practitioner in that place with at least 1-year full-time post-qualification clinical experience
  2. With specialist qualifications for Associate Consultant (Limited Registration / Special Registration)

Preferred Attributes

  1. Attained a qualification comparable to the Intermediate N1 Examinations of constituent Colleges of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine or above
  2. Held a recognized medical qualification N2 (for Limited Registration only)
  3. Proficiency in English
  4. Proficiency in Cantonese

Special Registration Requirements

  1. Hong Kong permanent resident with recognized medical qualification N2 OR
  2. Obtained specialist qualification awarded or recognized by HKAM N3 with recognized medical qualification N2 OR
  3. Obtained full-time job offer in public healthcare institution as limited registration doctor and served for at least 5 years and specialist qualification awarded or recognized by HKAM N3

N1 Examples of qualifications comparable to the Intermediate Examinations of constituent Colleges of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine: https://www.ha.org.hk/haho/ho/hrd_jv/NLTD.pdf

N2 List of recognized medical qualifications released by the Medical Council of Hong Kong: https://www.mchk.org.hk/english/registration/recognised_medical_qualifications.html

N3 Application for Certification for Specialist Qualification (CSQ) or Certification for Specialist Registration (CSR): https://www.hkam.org.hk/en/specialist-registration

Medical Registration and Employment Visa

The HA will arrange selection interviews with shortlisted candidates and will support applications of suitable candidates to MCHK to practice under Limited / Special Registration.

The HA will also assist successfully registered candidates who are not Hong Kong residents in obtaining employment visas from the Immigration Department of the HKSARG prior to commencement of work.


1. Please refer to https://www.ha.org.hk/haho/ho/hrd_jv/NotestoApplicants.pdf for “Notes to Applicants”.

2. Applicants will be required to upload (1) full resume*, (2) 1-2 reference letters from current / previous employers, (3) documentary proof of all full-time / part-time post-qualification clinical experience (include internship) and (4) all professional certificates listed in the resume (e.g. medical degree, specialty certificate, specialist registration and etc.) in the "Attachment Upload" page when making online application. Application will only be processed with relevant supporting documents.

* Full resume should include details of the followings:

a. Institutes and countries where you obtained your medical degree(s);

b. Details of Internship Training (including Period, total no. of years, Position held, Name of the Organization and Major Responsibilities);

c. Country / Countries where you are currently registered;

d. Country where you are currently practicing;

e. Details of Specialist Qualification in your specialty (including Title, Name of Issuing Authority and Date obtained) (if any);

f. Details of Intermediate Examination / Part 1 / Primary Examination (or equivalent) / Exit / Fellowship qualification / specialist training programme in your specialty (including Title and Date passed / enrolled) (if any)

3. Position and salary to be offered will be commensurate with relevant experience and qualification of the selected candidate.

4. Appointment will be on contract terms for a period of one to three years which is renewable subject to renewal of Limited / Special Registration with MCHK, satisfactory performance and mutual agreement.

5. Candidates outside Hong Kong together with his/her eligible family members (up to four persons), may be granted economy class air passage from country of origin to Hong Kong as well as an economy class air passage on return upon completion of the terminal contract.

6. A one-off “Relocation Allowance”, which is set at the employee’s two months’ basic salary or $60,000, whichever is the lower, may be granted to candidates outside Hong Kong on a reimbursement basis.

7. Salaries tax in Hong Kong is currently charged at progressive rates of up to 17%, or standard rate of 15%, whichever is lower.

8. May be required to work shifts and irregular hours as well as to perform on-call duties.

Online applications would be received all year-round.

For more information on opportunities for non-locally trained doctors in HA, please visit HA website via the link: http://www.ha.org.hk/goto/nltd-recruitment.

For enquiries, please contact us at https://nltd-enquiry.ha.org.hk/ or contact Ms Zoe CHAN / Mr Eddie HUI, HA Head Office at +852 2300 7757 / +852 2300 8488 or send email to zoe.chan1@ha.org.hk / hcp045@ha.org.hk

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