Infra Engineer - Downstream (Osaka) [Japanese Required] Opportunity

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Infra Engineer - Downstream (Osaka) [Japanese Required] in JAPAN

Visa sponsorship & Relocation 6 months ago
We are Unlock Design, a recruitment agency based in Japan, and the job description below is an opportunity with one of our forward-thinking client companies. We aim to ensure a trustworthy and considerate experience for our candidates, emphasizing their privacy and long-term career goals. See our full promise and approach by visiting

【Basic Information】

Client ID: 121000

Job ID: 2382

Position: (大阪)下流インフラエンジニア_35歳以下

Location: Osaka

Salary: 3.6M : 4.8M JPY

Language: Business Japanese

Contract type: Permanent

Who we are


  • 当社は急速に進展するグローバル展開を果たし、日本最大のITインフラSESであることを誇りに思っています。
  • 厚生労働省からの名誉ある「日本ワークライフバランス賞」を受賞できたことを光栄に思います。
  • 優れたITサービスに加え、エンジニア向けの有益な学びのサポートやリスク管理教育も提供しています。
  • 当社の最優先事項は、本当にここで働きたいと思う人だけがチームの一員となる職場環境を育てることです。
  • English here

We are dedicated to training infrastructure engineers who possess both technical skills and hospitality. By providing IT services that emphasize ethics and customer service, the company is committed to growing in the ever-expanding network market.

  • Our global expansion is accelerating rapidly, and we are proud to be the largest IT infrastructure SES in Japan!
  • We are honored to have received the prestigious "Japan Work-Life Balance Award" from the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare.
  • In addition to our outstanding IT services, we also provide valuable learning support and risk management education for our engineers.
  • Our top priority is to cultivate a work environment where only those who truly want to be here are part of our team.

Roles and Responsibility






  • SaaS型監視サービスやバックアップサービス等の維持運用業務
  • Windowsサーバの維持保守業務
  • 某銀行 勘定系システム 維持保守、JP1/AJSにおけるジョブ作成などの運用業務
  • ZabbixやNagiosなどを用いた官公庁ネットワークシステムの運用監視業務


充実のバックアップ体制で、成長を応援。全社員貸与のiPhoneで4600本ものコンテンツから自由に学べる動画学習や、 さまざまな資格の取得支援など、エンジニアとしてキャリアアップするためのサポートが充実しております。勤務形態は、同社の正規雇用のエンジニアとして、お客様先に常駐し、プロジェクトに参加していただきます。さまざまなプロジェクトを経験できるので、エンジニアとしてのキャリアパスを描いていきやすい環境です。


インフラストラクチャー企業として 、着実に事業・拠点拡大を進めています。グループ3社で30拠点(国内26・海外4)を展開しています。

  • グループで100以上のプロジェクトが稼働しています。クライアントは、国内外大手メーカー、金融機関、情報通信、商社、官公庁など上場企業を中心に常時600社を超えています。









  • English here

Job Description:

You will be assigned tasks related to network and server design, construction, and operation and maintenance, based on your skills.

Job Overview:

After joining, projects will be determined based on your experience and start date, allowing you to grow as an engineer. Many of the projects are with major companies, and operational projects often last several years. You will have the opportunity to work on data center relocation projects and gain experience in technical support as well as design and construction for hardware manufacturers. Depending on your experience, there will be opportunities to challenge yourself with upstream processes such as network and server construction and design, providing a pathway for career advancement.

Examples of Projects:

  • Maintenance and operation of SaaS-based monitoring and backup services
  • Maintenance and support for Windows servers
  • Maintenance and support for core banking systems, including operations such as job creation using JP1/AJS
  • Operation and monitoring of government and public sector network systems using tools like Zabbix and Nagios

Attractive Features of the Job:

The company offers a robust support system to encourage your growth. You will have access to video learning with 4,600 pieces of content on company-provided iPhones, as well as support for obtaining various certifications. You will be employed as a regular engineer of the company, stationed at client sites and participating in projects. This environment allows you to experience a variety of projects, making it easier to plan and develop your career path as an engineer.

Company Characteristics: As an infrastructure company, we are steadily expanding our business and locations. Our group operates 30 locations (26 domestic and 4 international).

  • The group manages over 100 projects, serving over 600 clients, including major domestic and international manufacturers, financial institutions, information and communications companies, trading firms, and government agencies.

Our Commitment: We aim to eliminate relationship issues and adhere to our guiding principle of becoming a company where "only those who want to work together are present."

Awards and Recognitions:

  • Ranked No.1 in three categories in a Japan Marketing Research Organization survey:
    • Best Environment for Challenges
    • Best Human Relations
    • Best Focus on Personal Qualities in Hiring
  • Winner of the 6th "Work-Life Balance Award" Grand Prize
  • Certified "Platinum Kurumin Plus"
  • Various other awards and recognitions

Minimum Requirements


  • サーバ運用経験1年以上
  • ネットワーク経験1年以上
  • English here

Candidates with at least one of the following experiences:

  • Over 1 year of server operation experience
  • Over 1 year of network experience

Preferred Requirements

  • 上記業務経験の他CCNAやLPICなどベンダ資格保有者
  • ネットワークやサーバなどの運用保守または監視
  • English here
    • Holders of vendor certifications such as CCNA or LPIC
    • Operation, maintenance, or monitoring of networks and servers

Conditions / Benefits

Employment type: Permanent

Location: Osaka

Annual Salary: 3.6M : 4.8M JPY

  • The estimated annual income is just a rough figure and may fluctuate during the selection process.

Hours: 9:00 - 18:00

  • Shift work may be required depending on the project.


  • Full reimbursement of transportation expenses
  • Family allowances (Eligible dependents: spouse 10,000 yen, child 5,000 yen, parent 3,000 yen / applicable from the second year of employment)
  • Position-based allowances
  • Telework allowance (Partial subsidy for miscellaneous expenses / achieved based on employee feedback!)
  • Long-term service award (Granted to employees at the 10-year and 20-year milestones)

Probation: TBA


  • Social insurance coverage (employment, worker's accident compensation, health, welfare pension)
  • Support for certification acquisition (company covers all examination fees upon passing)
  • Defined contribution pension (401K)
  • Smile Cooperative Society (provides various celebration bonuses for life events)
  • Childcare leave system (100% uptake rate for women)
  • Dormitory available (self-payment of 35,000 yen/month, eligible individuals only)
  • CDP system (internal recruitment system)
  • iPhone provided
  • Access to video learning apps
  • Cafeteria plan (allows discounted purchase of products from partner companies)
  • Kanto IT Software Health Insurance Association membership
  • Telework/Flexible working hours

Holidays and Leave:

  • Full two-day weekends (Saturday and Sunday)
  • Public holidays off Shift work may be required depending on the project
  • Year-end and New Year holidays (5 days)
  • Special leave for celebrations and condolences
  • Paid leave (Average days taken per employee: 11.25 days/year, uptake rate: 81%)
  • Maternity and paternity leave (Record of utilization)
  • Childcare leave (Uptake rate: 100% for women, 25% for men)*2018 data
  • Self-care leave
  • Sick leave (Available during the first six months after joining in place of paid leave)
  • Anniversary leave (Encouragement to take annual paid leave)
  • Refreshment leave (Granted to those in their 10th and 20th years of service, ranging from 5 to 6 days)

Interview Process

  • CV Screening
  • Aptitude Test
  • Interview (Multiple rounds)
  • Offer
  • Interview process will be subject to change
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