This is a hybrid role and would require successful candidates to work onsite at least three days in a week. We offer relocation bonus to successful candidates outside of Cebu who are willing to relocate.
We are looking for an experienced technical and people leader to lead a global software development scrum team, building the next generation AMCS SaaS platfo
- rmLeads a team of software developers and quality engineers to deliver key aspects of the AMCS SaaS platform roadm
- apClear growth path into software development manager role, managing multiple teams, with team leads, scrum masters and lead developers as direct report
Quality Excelle
- nce
Set high standards in engineering excellence to deliver the highest possible code qua - lityIntroduce and enhance CI/CD and DevOps techniques to increase release frequency and ensure product is continuously in a shippable state through partnership with QA and DevOps team mem
- bersResponsible for timely and high-quality pull requests on the team – push early, push often, ensure high coverage, and automated quality ga
- tes.Ensures operational delivery and consistency from team – through agile, data-driven appr
Technical Leade
Creates technical designs for the team in partnership with architecture and lead deve
- lopersOversees the creation of and reviews design tasks for user s
- toriesOwns non-functional backlog; including technical debt, refactoring, component upgrades, deployment and rollback strategy for their produc
- t areaMay play an active development role on complex fe
- aturesComprehends performance and usability of product in production to ensure product is continually refined and im
People Lea
- dership
Recruit and grow high performing team - throughEnsures development plans are in place for all team members, utilizes the Pluralsight stack for team member and self skills dev
- elopmentOwns staffing decisions and overall team member performance – budget, coaching, mentoring, disc
- t Mindset
Participates in refinement sessions and represents the development team in same- ensures definition of ready is met with Prod - uct Owner.Partners with Product Owner, architecture and DevOps to set achievable, capacity-base
- d roadmapsInteracts with Product Management to gain insight into adoption and usability of their pro
- duct areasInteracts with customer-facing teams to deepen understanding of customer interactions with ou
r products
Qualifications /
- Experience
Familiarity and hands-on experience leading agile development teams, experience of agile at scale, and CI/CD b - est practiceExpertise in C#/.net technology stack, experience in Microsoft cloud platf
- orms a bonus1+ in peopl
- e managementExcellent communic
ation skil
Who we are
Sustainability software specialist, AMCS, is headquartered in Ireland, with offices in Europe, the USA, and Australasia. With over 1,300 highly-skilled employees across 22 countries, we specialize in delivering technology solutions to facilitate a carbon n
eutral fut
What we do
Our innovative SaaS solutions increase efficiency and boost sustainability in resource-intensive industries. Over 5,000 customers across 23 countries already benefit from our Performance Sustainability software, ensuring we deliver practical solutions for improved profitability and environmental resilience a
cross the globe.
Join Our Mission for a Sustainable Future and Enjoy the Fo
- llowing Benefits:
Joining a world leader in envi - ronmental servicesHybrid work arrangement for a flexible
- work-life balanceHealth insurance that covers up t
- o three dependentsShuttle service for conveni
- ent transportationComplimentary on-site food and coffee
- for your e
- njoymentAllowancesAccess to a comprehensive learning and development platform that provides on-the-job training on essential skills, with the ability to track your
- progress centrally15 days of vacation leave and 15 days of sick leave f
or your well-being