End User Support Engineer Opportunity

GE Digital company

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End User Support Engineer in INDIA

Visa sponsorship & Relocation 11 months ago

Job Description Summary
Responsible for providing “best-in-class” customer experience for collaboration and digital workplace technologies. You will be expected to leverage new technologies and analytics to continuously improve the customer experience. This position will be responsible for both working directly with customers, as well as providing technical leadership and to facilitate the adoption of new technologies and tools.

Job Description

Roles And Responsibilities
The j o b e n tails proa c ti v e m o n i t o ri n g and r o u ti n e e v al u ati o n o f GE D i g ita l ’s a d v a n c ed an a ly t i c s b a sed s o l u t i o n s.
As S u pp o rt En g i n e e r yo u w ill be:
1 .Res p o n si b le f o r del i v eri n g proact i v e S up p o rt f o r v ar i o u s GE D i g ital ’ s advi s o r y s o l u ti o n s w i th i n t h e
sc o p e o f a t y p ical Cus t o m e r S upp o rt a n d S e r v ic e s A g r e e m ent.
2 .Dai l y r e v i e w o f advi s o r y r ep o rts, ale r ts, mo n i t o ri n g d as hb o ar d s and su pp o r t a n a ly t ics to m ai n tain hi g h le v el o f s y s t e m a v ai l a b ilit y .
3 .Tr o ub l e sh o o t a n d r e s o l v e s y s te m issues. P r o act i v e l y i d entify s y s t em fail u res, f i x iss u es a n d pr o v i d e d e t ai l ed r o o t ca u s e a n al y sis rep o r ts.
4 .Tr o ub l e sh o o t a n d r e s o l v e data c o mm un ic a ti o n fail u r es w i th i n defi n ed s er v i c e l e v el ag r e e m ent.
5 .Escalat i o n m a n a g e m ent du ri n g critical e v ent s / a pp l i cati o n o u tage.
6 .Mai n tain r eg u lar c u s t om er c o n tact and call l o g s.

Education Qualification

For Roles Outside USA
1 . F o u r ( 4 ) Y e ar D eg r ee in En g i n e e r i n g o r rel a t e d disc ip li n es.
2 .Minimum 3 y ears of e x p erie n ce w o rki n g in po w e r pl an t / i ndu strial s y st e m s r e l a t e d field.
3 . B ackg r o un d in power plant c o n tr o l s , tu n i ng, and/or o p ti m i z a ti o n i s r e qu ired
4 . Ab ility t o s o l v e c o m p l e x p r o b l e m s in d epen d ent l y .
5 .Mai n tain S L A’s th r o ug h t h e i m p l e m entat i o n o f pro a cti v e issue d e t e ct i o n and r e p o rti ng .
6 . Ab le t o pr i o riti z e in co m p lex, fa s t - p aced en v i r o nm ent.
  • Experience with basic computer networking and common end user trouble shooting
8Experience with Windows, Mac, iOS, Android operating systems

Business Acumen
Ability to manage to aggressive deadlines while staying true to strategic outcomes
Ability to communicate effectively with technical and non-technical communities
Ability to understand and communicate complex business, and technical concepts clearly and accurately
Demonstrated customer focus

Personal Attributes
Project management skills; demonstrated ability to deliver on-time and on-budget
Uses critical thinking skills and disciplined approaches to help leaders and leadership teams resolve issues and define solutions
Excellent communication skills and the ability to interface with customers with confidence and clarity
Ability to work independently on projects and a sharp eye for detail
Highly collaborative, team-oriented individual
Positive, enthusiastic and confident attitude

To comply with US immigration and other legal requirements, it is necessary to specify the minimum number of years' experience required for any role based within the USA. For roles outside of the USA, to ensure compliance with applicable legislation, the JDs should focus on the substantive level of experience required for the role and a minimum number of years should NOT be used.
This Job Description is intended to provide a high level guide to the role. However, it is not intended to amend or otherwise restrict/expand the duties required from each individual employee as set out in their respective employment contract and/or as otherwise agreed between an employee and their manager.

Additional Information

Relocation Assistance Provided:
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