About our Team
We seek a highly skilled and motivated Big Data Engineer to join our growing Samsung Ads team. As Big Data Engineer, you will contribute to development and buildout of components of Samsung’s DSP platform.
You will be closely working with local team in Warsaw, having also many opportunities of collaboration with Samsung’s remote teams across the globe (US, Korea, India, UK) to help implement and deploy services
Expertise you bring to the team, will play a crucial role in building modern, well performing, services which we will use to deliver targeted ads to our users. On daily basis, you will be collaborating with other professionals around design, implementation, and review of the source code, followed by delivery of proper documentation and qualit
Samsung Ads is a highly successful and fast-growing business for over last six years. This business and its continued future success depend on the products, technologies, and tools owned by Samsung. Hundreds of people strong, with a substantial presence in five countries, Samsung Ads team is a dynamic and complex organization operating across a broad spectrum of product and strategic domai
Join our team and play a key role in shaping the future of our ad tech platf
Role and Responsibil
- itiesCollaborate with data scientists, product managers, and other engineers to refine and improve data processing sy
- stemsDesign and maintain scalable and optimized data pipelines for efficient collection, processing, and storage
- dataCollaborate with data scientists, product managers, and other engineers to refine and improve attribution methodol
- ogiesParticipate in R&D projects in the area of Cloud Ser
- vicesEstablish and follow best coding prac
- ticesWork closely with stakeholders to understand and translate business requirements into technical solu
- tionsConduct A/B testing and performance analysis to validate and iterate on attribution mo
- dels.Ensure software quality: create and maintain unit, integration and functional tests, participate in code r
- eviewReport tasks pro
- in usePython, Java,
- ScalaDocker, Kube
- rnetesFlink, A
- irflowSnowflake, Apache Ignite, PostgreSQL,
MySQLAWS – S3, Athena, Glue, EMR (
t APIs
Skills and Qualifi
cationsAt least 5 years of commercial experience in developing Python, Java o
- r ScalaProficient in working with big data technologies (e.g., Hadoop, Spark and Map
- Reduce)Knowledge of database (SQL/NoSQL) technologies (Snowflake, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Dy
- namoDB)Experience in working with Kubernetes and stream data processing frameworks frameworks (Flink, Apache
- Ignite)Experience in optimizing SQL
- queriesExperience in working with large d
- atasetsHands-on experience with orchestration tools like Airflow or
- similarExperience
in AWSKnowledge of Design P
- atternsKnowledge of version control syst
- em: GitProficiency in English, enough to communicate and understand technical docume
- ntationUniversity degree in Computer Sciences, Telecommunication and/ or
- to ha
- veGoLangExperience with
- GraphQLExperience in usage and administration of Amazon Web
- ServicesExperience in development of micro services/server less s
- olutionsKnowledge of container technologies like Docker and Ku
We o
- fferTeam:Friendly working a
- tmosphereWide range of trainings (technical / soft-skills / e-learning
- platform)Opportunity to work in multiple
- projectsMultidisciplinary and multicult
- ural teamWorking with the latest technologies on t
- he marketMonthly integrati
- on budgetPossibility to attend local and foreign co
- nferencesOpportunity to participate in science research (scientific papers, project proposals, patents applications, development of own side-
- quipment:Laptop and PC workstation + 2 external
- monitorsOS: Windo
ws, Linux
- Benefits:Private medical care (possibility to add family
- members)Multis
- port cardLife
- insuranceL
- unch cardA partial reimbursement of the cost of an English langua
- ge coursePossibility to learn Korean
- for freeVariety of discounts (Samsung products, theaters, res
- taurants)Unlimited free access to Copernicus Science Center for you and you
- r friendsPossibility to test new Samsung
- Location:Office in Warsaw Spire near metr
- o stationAttractive relocatio
- n packageHybrid model of work – 3 days from the office
per week